Real Racer supports two modes for Wi-Fi connectivity:
- Direct mode is the default, where Real Racer creates its own private Wi-Fi access point and when you launch the Real Racer app on your smart device, it will connect to this access point in order to stream real-time video from the car.
- Router mode is where your Real Racer is configured to connect to a router on your home network instead of creating its own access point. This allows any device on your home network to connect to your Real Racer, without that device having to first connect to the Real Racer’s private Wi-Fi access point. This is primarily useful when you want to use OBS Studio to live stream from your Real Racer.
To configure your Real Racer to connect to your router (and thus your home network):
- Turn on your Real Racer, launch the app on your smart device and connect to the car
- Select Settings on the bottom toolbar, then navigate to Wi-Fi. It will look something like this, showing the Connection Type to be Direct as the default:
- Select Connection Type and change it to Router.
- Select Router SSID and you’ll be presented with a list of all the nearby Wi-Fi networks. Select your home network from the list.
- Select Router Password and then enter the Wi-Fi password for your home network. It will now look something like this:
- Press the back arrow to return to the previous screen. At this point you’ll see a message saying “Applying changes to Wi-Fi configuration”.
- If there were no issues, your Real Racer will now be connected to your home network via your router. If the Real Racer was unable to connect to your home network (for example if the password you provided was incorrect) then it will revert to the direct connection mode.
After your Real Racer has been configured to connect to your router, if you wish to revert back to the direct connection mode, simply change Connection Type back to Direct within the Wi-Fi settings.